
Migrate Storybook to version 7.

Setting up Storybook 7 in a new workspace

For setting up Storybook version 7 in a new Nx workspace, or a workspace that does NOT already have Storybook configured already, please refer to our Storybook 7 setup guide.

Storybook 7 is a major release that brings a lot of new features and improvements. You can read more about it in the Storybook 7.0.0 release article. Apart from the new features and improvements it introduces, it also brings some breaking changes. You can read more about them in the Storybook 7 migration docs and the Storybook 7.0.0 migration guide.

You can now migrate your existing Nx workspace with Storybook configuration to use Storybook version 7. To help you, Nx offers the @nx/storybook:migrate-7 generator. This generator will help you migrate your existing Storybook setup to version 7.

How to use it

Just call:

1npx nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 2
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/
Commit your changes

It is advised that you start with a clean git history before running this generator, since it is going to be making lots of changes to your workspace.

You can run this generator using the above command, without passing any options. This will start the migration process for all your projects that have Storybook configured. The logs will explain what is happening in every step, and the logs are mixed Nx and Storybook CLI logs. During the process you will be prompted by the Storybook CLI to accept the automigration scripts. You can read more about that in the next section.

When the generator finishes, you will see a summary of the changes that were made to your workspace, and it will also create a new file, called storybook-migration-summary.md at the root of your project, which will contain a list of all the changes that were made to your workspace.

Accept the automigration prompts

The Storybook CLI (running through our generator) will prompt you to run some code generators and modifiers.

You can say yes to these prompts, which are usually the following (there may be more or less, depending on your setup, and depending on the latest versions of the Storybook CLI - this code is NOT managed by Nx, but by Storybook):

  • mainjsFramework: It will try to add the framework field in your project's .storybook/main.js|ts file.
  • eslintPlugin: installs the eslint-plugin-storybook
  • newFrameworks: removes unused dependencies (eg. @storybook/builder-webpack5, @storybook/manager-webpack5, @storybook/builder-vite)
  • autodocsTrue: adds autodocs: true to your project's .storybook/main.js|ts file

Check the result

Once the generator finishes, and the Storybook CLI automigration scripts have run, you should check the result. Examples of migrated .storybook/main.js|ts files would look like this:

Full example for Angular projects

Here is an example of a project-level .storybook/main.js|ts file for an Angular project that has been migrated to Storybook version 7:

1const config = { 2 stories: ['../src/app/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx|mdx)'], 3 addons: ['@storybook/addon-essentials'], 4 framework: { 5 name: '@storybook/angular', 6 options: {}, 7 }, 8}; 9 10export default config; 11

Full example for React projects with Vite

Here is an example of a project-level .storybook/main.js|ts file for a React project using Vite that has been migrated to Storybook version 7:

1const config = { 2 stories: ['../src/app/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx|mdx)'], 3 addons: ['@storybook/addon-essentials'], 4 framework: { 5 name: '@storybook/react-vite', 6 options: { 7 builder: { 8 viteConfigPath: 'apps/rv1/vite.config.ts', 9 }, 10 }, 11 }, 12}; 13 14export default config; 15

Make sure that all works by running Storybook

You can now use Storybook 7! ๐ŸŽ‰

1npx nx build-storybook PROJECT_NAME 2


1npx nx storybook PROJECT_NAME 2

Run the generator by automatically accepting the Storybook CLI prompts

You can run the generator with the --autoAcceptAllPrompts flag, which will automatically accept all the Storybook CLI prompts. This is useful if you want to run the generator in a CI environment, or if you want to run the generator in a script. Or if you are sure that you want to accept all the prompts!

1npx nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 --autoAcceptAllPrompts 2
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

The Storybook CLI may still ask you about some things, but mostly it should just run the whole migration suite uninterrupted.

Run the migration manually

Nx gives you the ability to run all the migration steps one by one, manually, but still with the help of our migrator. To help you out with the commands that you need to run, Nx will print out the instructions if you run the generator with the --onlyShowListOfCommands flag, like this:

1npx nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 --onlyShowListOfCommands 2
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Essentially, the way to run the migration manually is the following:

  1. Call the Nx generator to show you the list of commands: npx nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 --onlyShowListOfCommands
  2. Call the Storybook upgrade script: npx storybook@latest upgrade
  3. Call the Nx generator to prepare your files for migration. The steps are explained in Step 02 above. nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 --onlyPrepare
  4. Call the Storybook automigrate scripts for each one of the projects using Storybook (the @nx/storybook:migrate-7 will give you the list of all the commands)
  5. Call the Nx generator to finish the migration. The steps are explained in Step 04 above. nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 --afterMigration

How the generator works under the hood

Now let's see how the @nx/storybook:migrate-7 generator works under the hood. It essentially does the following things:

Step 01

It calls the Storybook CLI upgrade script:

1npx storybook@latest upgrade 2

This script will upgrade your Storybook dependencies to the latest version, as explained in the Storybook documentation.

Step 02

It prepares all your project-level .storybook/main.js|ts files, so that the Storybook automigration scripts can run successfully. This means that it makes the following adjustments to your files:

  • Remove the "as StorybookConfig" typecast from the .storybook/main.ts files, if you have any .storybook/main.ts files with typecast, since it is not needed any more
  • Remove the "path.resolve" calls from the Next.js Storybook configuration in project-level .storybook/main.js|ts files, if it exists, since it breaks the Storybook automigration scripts

Step 03

It calls the Storybook CLI automigrate script, for each one of your projects that have Storybook configured. It does that by passing the --config-dir flag and the --renderer flag, for each one of your projects that has Storybook configured. An example command would look like this:

1npx storybook@latest automigrate --config-dir apps/my-react-app/.storybook --renderer @storybook/react 2

This script will make changes to your Storybook configuration files, and other changes to your repository, to make it work for Storybook 7, as explained in the Storybook documentation.

Step 04

After the Storybook CLI automigrate scripts have run, some additional adjustments are made to your workspace, to make sure that everything is working as expected. These adjustments are as follows:

  • Remove the "vite-tsconfig-paths" plugin from the Storybook configuration files for Vite projects, since it's no longer needed in v7
  • Add the "viteConfigPath" option to the Storybook builder options for Vite projects, since now Storybook needs the path to the Vite config file
  • Change the import package for the StorybookConfig type to be framework specific (e.g. from @storybook/common to @storybook/react-vite for React projects using Vite)
  • Add the "lit" package to your workspace, if you are using Web Components
  • Remove the "uiFramework" option from your project's Storybook targets

Our generator is based on the guide to migration using the Storybook CLI, sp please refer to the Storybook 7 migration guide for more information.

I am not on Nx 15.9.0 yet but I still want to migrate to Storybook 7

You can migrate to Storybook 7 by just using the Storybook upgrade and automigrate scripts, but you will have to manually point the automigrate script to each one of your projects using Storybook, explained in Step 03 above.

First, you would have to run the npx storybook@latest upgrade to get the latest versions of all the @storybook/* packages. Then, for each one of your projects that use Storybook, you would have to run npx storybook@latest automigrate --config-dir <MY-PROJECT>/.storybook --renderer @storybook/<react|angular|etc>.

The @nx/storybook:migrate-7 generator helps you by figuring out all the project paths and the renderers that need to be passed in the automigrate script, and also by performing a number of adjustments to your code to make sure the migration scripts run smoothly, so it is recommended to use the generator instead of running the scripts manually.

Report any issues and bugs

Please report any issues and bugs you find on the Nx GitHub page or on the Storybook GitHub page.


1nx generate migrate-7 ... 2

By default, Nx will search for migrate-7 in the default collection provisioned in workspace.json.

You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:

1nx g @nx/storybook:migrate-7 ... 2
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Show what will be generated without writing to disk:

1nx g migrate-7 ... --dry-run 2



Default: false

Say yes to all the prompts from the Storybook CLI migration scripts.


Default: false

Only run the Nx post-migration scripts that make the final adjustments to your workspace.


Default: false

Skip upgrading Storybook packages. Only use this option if you are already on version 7, and you do not want the latest beta.


Default: false

Only show the steps that you need to follow in order to migrate. This does NOT make any changes to your code.


Default: false

Only run the Nx scripts that will prepare your Storybook configuration files for the Storybook CLI automigration.